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It's Easy to Reduce your PCI Footprint

It’s that time of year again.  LogiSense is entering the period for our annual Level 1 PCI Compliance audit.  With millions of dollars in credit card transactions flowing through our billing software it’s imperative that we offer the security our customers (and their customers) expect when paying for service.  We have worked hard with our customers over the past number of years to reduce our footprint, and theirs, to almost nil.  There is absolutely no need to have a credit card number (PAN) hit our software or be stored in our database.

Rich Kozub
Sep 1, 2020
Elastic Cloud for Billing - What Does it Mean for You?

Subscription billing platforms such as LogiSense are inherently exposed to highly variable workloads which are a challenge to manage efficiently. Two of the system's primary functions, rating event records and creating invoices, are generally short-lived, compute-intensive, high throughput processes that occur at unpredictable times and intervals across a customer base.

Tom Gross
Jul 15, 2020
Monetization Debt, the Avoidable true cost of Copy & Paste

Technical debt is a commonly understood term within the software industry, whereas short-term velocity gains are knowingly accepted in exchange for an ongoing “cost” in maintenance. This type of debt compounds just like your mortgage and becomes drastically more expensive over time if not dealt with.

Ryan Susanna
Jun 15, 2020
The Era of Seat Based Subscription Billing is Nearing its End

In a recent KPMG survey of technology industry business leaders, it was predicted that Cloud computing and the Internet of Things (IoT) are to be two of the most disruptive technologies which will drive business transformation in the enterprise over the next three years in the United States.

Ryan Susanna
Jun 20, 2017