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Blog/ Jun 4, 2024

How to Boost Your Recurring Revenue with Usage-Based Pricing

Revenue from licensing fees has long been a staple for enterprises. Recently, recurring billing models have driven greater revenue compared to traditional one-time payments.

Initially, customers welcomed subscriptions with flat monthly fees for core features. However, they now demand higher perceived value and are reluctant to pay for subscriptions they rarely use.

As a SaaS business owner, you want to charge premium rates for your products or services. To justify these prices, you must demonstrate that your product offers more value than the competition.

Why Enterprises Are Switching to Usage-Based Pricing

Customer expectations around subscription prices and value are evolving. Simple subscriptions with limited bundles are seen as inflexible and often fail to justify their cost. Usage-based pricing aligns product value with price, offering flexibility and transparency.

Enterprises are adopting usage-based models to diversify revenue streams and better monetize their products. These models use thresholds or tiers to charge based on consumption, increasing revenue as usage grows.

Identifying the value of each interaction with your product incentivizes customers to choose your offerings over competitors. Usage-based pricing enhances user experience, reduces churn, and drives higher revenue growth. Public SaaS companies using this model forecast 38% higher YoY revenue growth compared to those without it.

How Usage-Based Pricing Helps Boost Recurring Revenue

  • Hybrid Pricing - A blend of subscription and usage-based pricing can capture more market share. Many companies charge a lower base price for core features, appealing to a broader audience while offering add-ons for additional usage. This strategy diversifies revenue streams by charging different customers based on their usage, preventing prices from becoming too high and losing customers who don't see the value.

    Other effective combinations include volume or tiered pricing, where the price per user changes based on usage. This drives revenue by combining flexible usage-based pricing with predictable revenue models.

  • Attract & Delight More Customers - Subscription-based models enhance customer engagement through recurring transactions, helping businesses understand customer needs and evolve products faster. Usage-based models lower entry barriers, allowing customers to pay only for what they use and choose configurations that best suit their needs.

    Flexible billing strategies, such as single-use, subscription-based, consumption-based, value-based, or quantity-based billing, cater to customers who want to pay based on usage and those who need predictable revenues for budgeting.

  • Optimized Pricing - Usage-based pricing aligns customer value with payment, enabling exponential business growth. Tailor pricing based on varying demands rather than a one-size-fits-all approach, using metrics like storage used, API calls made, sensor alerts, or the number of users.

    A modern billing solution with baseline price analysis allows businesses to anticipate customer needs accurately, segment customers based on usage patterns, and deliver individualized promotions. This customer-centric strategy ensures demand during both peak and low usage periods.

  • Detailed Usage Analytics - Usage-based pricing provides detailed reporting, offering insights into customer usage and reactions to new products and updates. Tracking changes in consumption helps identify opportunities to adjust billing methods or value propositions, improving product adoption. Usage analytics highlight potential adjustments for better customer engagement and increased sales velocity.

Boost Your Revenue with Usage-Based Pricing

Customers increasingly prefer businesses that offer flexible, affordable pay-as-you-go options. Usage-based pricing benefits both enterprises and customers by attracting a wider customer base and driving greater revenue. Many companies are now incorporating usage-based offerings into their product catalogs.

To successfully switch to a usage-based billing system and boost your recurring revenue, you need a robust solution like LogiSense. Our platform handles large volumes of real-time usage data and provides the flexibility to implement usage-based billing seamlessly.

Discover how LogiSense can help you transition to usage-based billing by scheduling a session with one of our billing experts.

About the Author

Ryan Susanna /

Ryan is a seasoned telecommunications expert with a broad background in both the service provider and software vendor sides of the business. Ryan is currently responsible for worldwide sales at LogiSense. During his tenure, Ryan has held executive level positions including Senior Sales Executive, and Director of Sales. In these roles, he has provided strategic sales, product, and market guidance for our next generation IP service management solutions.


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