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Blog/ Jun 6, 2024

The 3 Keys To A Successful Billing Deployment

A billing system migration process does not have to be as hard as people are making it. It’s typically one of the riskier projects a company will embark on - and hopefully, only go through it once - but it can be easier.

Our Global Services team has years of experience working through billing migration projects and we’ve built our LogiGate process which helps remove some of the risks.

When you hear the term “Gate”, you’d typically expect to see a waterfall process. However, each Gate is delivered in a completely agile manner. Highlighted below are some of the key problems experienced through migration projects and how our process helps reduce risk.

Problem #1 - Data Cleanliness

This will make or break a timeline. There is no doubt that this is the number one problem with missing project launch dates. Is there more than one system you need to pull data from? Are those systems in sync? Is the data all formatted the same? There are a number of reasons why data causes issues.  

During LogiGate #2 we spend the required amount of time working with our clients through our Configuration Handbooks. These Handbooks are set up in an easy-to-follow format, including field definition, examples, and use cases. While it’s ultimately up to our customers to ensure their data is clean, we roll up our sleeves and help make the process as simple as possible through guided working sessions in an effort to combat misunderstandings or unknowns which may cause issues down the road.

Also, the Handbooks really help with the ability to continually load refreshed data sets for quick testing and reviews. 

Problem #2a - Scope Creep

It’s very difficult to go through all of your existing business use cases prior to embarking on your migration. There is no doubt that things will pop up throughout the course of the project which wasn’t expected and subsequently not planned for. It’s inevitable.

Our LogiGate #1 is in place to try to eliminate scope creep as much as possible. While the business requirements are discussed at length with the Sales Engineering team, our LogiGate #1 includes an extensive review with our Deployment team as well. We can typically cover risk areas based on the complexity of the use cases but we’ll also be able to help guide you in things you might have missed along the way that we anticipate may pop up down the line.

Problem #2b - “That’s not how we do it today!”

If I had a dime…

This issue can be tied to scope creep in some instances, but not always. Something you always need to keep in mind is just because you’re doing it one way right now, doesn’t necessarily mean that’s the way you should be doing it. I have seen limitations in the existing systems to cause manual workarounds a number of times, and billing teams get used to those manual approaches and don't realize that a new way of doing something might actually be easier. Of course, this isn’t always the case, but the openness to change is always a key to successful system migration.  

Also in LogiGate #2, we go through extensive modeling sessions where we talk through your requirements, show you how those requirements are satisfied in LogiSense Billing, including using some of your data (if possible) to help streamline knowledge and acceptance of the new process.  

Our Product team has done a tremendous job documenting everything that LogiSense Billing does and how you use the system to accomplish your business needs. 


Of course, there are other potential issues that might sidetrack a billing migration, but these are a few of the most common and we’ve got some solid processes in place to help combat these pitfalls.



About the Author

Rich Kozub /

Rich leads the Global Services charge for LogiSense. His strong leadership skills and work ethic have been instrumental in creating the high level of customer reference-ability and reputation for service that LogiSense has achieved.


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