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IoT Billing on First Use

If you are involved in providing IoT (Internet of Things) connectivity services to your end customer, then you’re probably aware that your customers are expecting significant personalization when it comes to how your services are deployed.


As competition heats up; customers are not willing to just write a cheque. They expect to pay on usage-based outcomes.


We're here to outline some creative ways you can personalize your usage-based models while protecting your bottom line.

Tim Neil
Oct 10, 2018
Scaling your System for IoT

Just as the information technology revolution heralded the proliferation of PCs and the mobility revolution the growth of the smartphone, it is expected that the IoT (Internet of Things) revolution will herald the proliferation of smart connected devices.

Chris Brown
Oct 2, 2018
Complexities of IoT Contract Commitments


All relationships take work to succeed, make yours last with your customer. Service providers need to set up contractual relationships with their customers to ensure a degree of predictability in their customer relationships and partner in their growth.

Ryan Susanna
Sep 12, 2018
Why State Based Pricing is Important in IoT

The state of an IoT SIM will inevitably affect monetization and how it affects the way you conduct business. We're here to help you decipher how to make it work and help you along the way.

Chris Brown
Sep 7, 2018
Step-By-Step Guide to Selecting a Modern Billing Solution
So, you no longer want to keep your service offer bundled up in a straight jacket – fantastic!

We’re here to help.
Choosing the right billing solution partner is an important step towards unlocking new revenue streams.

We know how lengthy and complex the process can be. So to make things easier we’ve put together this step-by-step guide to assist you with the Request for Proposal (RFP) process for a billing solution.

Tim Neil
Aug 21, 2018
4 Ways to Execute Your IoT Strategy with LogiSense

How are you planning on executing your IoT monetization strategy?

Great ideas are critical to strategic planning, but only execution translates those ideas into IoT business revenue.  Successful strategies for businesses in the Internet of Things require a billing solution that scales and adapts with the business model itself. No single solution can achieve that for every business in a plug-and-play style.  

Ryan Susanna
Feb 28, 2018
Usage Based Billing Examples that Enhance Recurring Relationships


The shift to the usage economy is on the rise across countless industries worldwide, as companies move away from old, cookie-cutter paradigms and mine assets to monetize budding revenue opportunities. The traditional subscription economy that locks customers into long-term relationships will increasingly be a death trap for companies that refuse to innovate with usage-based billing models.

Ryan Susanna
Jul 25, 2017