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Blog/ Jun 1, 2024

9 Things to Remember When Switching to Usage-Based Pricing

Subscriptions have simplified the customer buying process, but many companies are now opting for usage-based pricing for more customer-oriented services and revenue growth. Platform providers in IoT, Communications, Cloud, and Software need to handle complex billing for millions of customers globally, necessitating usage-based models.

This pricing strategy expands the customer base by removing flat fees, reducing purchase barriers, and offering cost-effective flexibility. It lowers churn by adapting to seasonal usage. Implementing usage-based billing requires thorough planning and input from Finance, Operations, Product Management, and IT teams to ensure seamless integration and address potential challenges. Follow these steps for a successful transition.

1. Determine the Right Usage Billing Metric

Usage-based pricing, common in telecom and utilities, requires identifying a metric that reflects the value customers derive from your product. For SaaS or IoT, metrics often include data usage, API calls, or minutes. Choose scalable and predictable metrics to help customers budget effectively. Whenever possible, map billing metrics to customer outcomes for better alignment with their value perception.

2. Choose Your Usage-Based Pricing Model

Select a pricing model that suits your business and customer needs. Consider event-based, value-based, tiered, or a hybrid approach. A hybrid model could include a flat or dynamic recurring fee for basic features, with additional charges based on usage. Ensure the chosen model aligns with your product offerings and customer expectations for the best results.

3. Select a Modern Billing Solution

Choose a configurable billing system capable of managing complex usage and rating scenarios. Ensure it integrates seamlessly with your existing tools. As your business grows and operations become more complex, a sophisticated billing platform is essential. Select a modern, scalable billing solution that can evolve with your business needs.

4. Dynamic Usage-Based Pricing

Usage-based billing offers flexibility to attract and retain customers by adapting to their preferences. Utilize promotional offers and value-based pricing as demand fluctuates. Your billing platform should support the seamless launch of new products, multiple product catalogs, and varied pricing configurations. Choose a billing provider capable of managing complex catalogs and multiple offerings, acting as a growth partner to help you stay competitive and responsive to market changes.

5. Select a Usage Rating Method

Determine the rules for assigning monetary value to usage events. Customers expect clarity and transparency in billing, so provide real-time access to usage and rating data through an automated system. Ensure the system delivers accurate and real-time billing, regardless of transaction volume and complexity. Accuracy in billing enhances the customer experience and fosters loyalty.

6. Automate Usage-Based Billing

Manual billing for complex usage plans is inefficient, error-prone, and time-consuming. Automating your billing processes ensures accuracy, reliability, and organization. It reduces back-office strain and enhances the customer experience by providing seamless, accurate billing. Transitioning to an automated usage-based billing system is essential for managing complex plans efficiently and cost-effectively.

7. Update Your Marketing Materials

Revise your website, brochures, product sheets, and all marketing collateral to reflect the new pricing model. Launch a campaign to promote your fair and flexible pricing, contrasting it with competitors' opaque models. This update will generate excitement and clearly communicate the benefits of your new pricing strategy to customers.

8. Train Your Sales Team

Equip your sales team with comprehensive training on the new pricing model and the tools needed to educate and inform customers. Proper training ensures they can highlight the benefits of your offerings, reducing customer churn. An intelligent billing system helps track customer usage, enabling sales to upsell or offer personalized packages based on trends. Usage-based pricing naturally fits a Product-Led Growth (PLG) model, allowing customers to start with minimal direct sales engagement.

9. Be Transparent with Your Customers

Clearly communicate the new usage-based billing model and its benefits to ease customer acceptance and simplify the sales process. Avoid unexpected cost increases by keeping customers informed. Provide full access to usage reports through portals and notifications for threshold events. Transparency in real-time usage and improved billing features can lead customers to request upgrades proactively.

LogiSense - Your Strategic Partner

Introducing usage-based pricing may require system upgrades and customer education. A reliable billing system allows efficient usage metering and offers fair, personalized plans. Usage-based monetization provides real-time reporting, transparency, and reliability. LogiSense acts as a strategic partner, helping you define and implement your billing strategy, supporting you from start to launch.

The future of billing is usage-based, providing 100% transparency and charging customers only for what they use. Ready to enhance your revenue potential? Apply for a free 30-day Test Drive with LogiSense or contact our experts for a demo.


About the Author

Ryan Susanna /

Ryan is a seasoned telecommunications expert with a broad background in both the service provider and software vendor sides of the business. Ryan is currently responsible for worldwide sales at LogiSense. During his tenure, Ryan has held executive level positions including Senior Sales Executive, and Director of Sales. In these roles, he has provided strategic sales, product, and market guidance for our next generation IP service management solutions.


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