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Will Telco’s Continue to Remain Significant Players in the Future of the IoT?

The Internet of Things (IoT) has surged dramatically in recent years, becoming one of the most hyped, discussed, and anticipated technologies. As this excitement continues, the inherent value and potential of IoT are becoming increasingly evident. Meanwhile, traditional telecom models are growing outdated and less profitable, prompting significant changes in the telecom and technology industries. New players are entering the market, challenging established leaders

Tim Neil
Jun 10, 2024
Why Embracing the Usage Economy is Your Key to Competitive Advantage

The Usage Economy has arrived—and companies that aren’t driving or adapting to the changing business landscape are going to be left in the dust. Usage-based transactions (or usage-based billing), as the name suggests, are centered around customers paying for what they use. If you subscribe to a cell phone plan, consume Amazon Web Services, use an avalanche beacon from Garmin, or pay a utility bill, you’re familiar with usage-based economics.

Adam Howatson
Jun 10, 2024
Why State Based Pricing is Important in IoT

The state of an IoT SIM significantly impacts monetization and business operations. Here's how to navigate this complexity effectively.

Chris Brown
Jun 7, 2024
The 3 Keys To A Successful Billing Deployment

A billing system migration process does not have to be as hard as people are making it. It’s typically one of the riskier projects a company will embark on - and hopefully, only go through it once - but it can be easier.

Rich Kozub
Jun 6, 2024
How to Boost Your Recurring Revenue with Usage-Based Pricing

Revenue from licensing fees has long been a staple for enterprises. Recently, recurring billing models have driven greater revenue compared to traditional one-time payments.

Initially, customers welcomed subscriptions with flat monthly fees for core features. However, they now demand higher perceived value and are reluctant to pay for subscriptions they rarely use.

As a SaaS business owner, you want to charge premium rates for your products or services. To justify these prices, you must demonstrate that your product offers more value than the competition.

Ryan Susanna
Jun 4, 2024
Can CSPs build the quintuple play by partnering with utilities on smart metering? (Part 1)

Recent forecasts by Fortune Business Insights predict the global Internet of Things (IoT) market size to grow from $714.48 billion in 2024 to $4,062.34 billion by 2032, at a CAGR of 24.3%. This growth underscores IoT's pivotal role in shaping industries, particularly through smart metering in the utility sector.

Flavio Gomes
Jun 4, 2024
Can CSPs build the quintuple play by partnering with utilities on smart metering? (Part 2)

Communications Service Providers (CSPs) are moving beyond their traditional role as mere conduits of data into a customer’s home. Facing revenue pressures from VoIP, mobile providers, over-the-top (OTT) media services, and alternative internet providers, CSPs are actively seeking new revenue streams to shed the "dumb pipe" image.

Flavio Gomes
Jun 3, 2024
IoT Creating Inflection Point for Service Providers

The Internet of Things (IoT) is rapidly expanding, with predictions of 27 billion devices connected by 2025, transforming both consumer and B2B sectors. This growth is not only introducing innovative devices into homes but also revolutionizing traditional machine-to-machine (M2M) communications, commonly referred to as B2B IoT.

Ryan Susanna
Jun 3, 2024
9 Things to Remember When Switching to Usage-Based Pricing

Subscriptions have simplified the customer buying process, but many companies are now opting for usage-based pricing for more customer-oriented services and revenue growth. Platform providers in IoT, Communications, Cloud, and Software need to handle complex billing for millions of customers globally, necessitating usage-based models.

Ryan Susanna
Jun 1, 2024